Eco Council
About our Eco Council
We are a passionate group of pupils who meet regularly to discuss eco-friendly and environmental issues within school and the wider community. The Eco Council promotes social responsibility and respect for all things environmental. There has never been a more important time to educate and future proof our young people for the challenges they will face because of climate change. At Cedarwood Primary we are committed to preparing our young people for the future, providing them with the knowledge to form an educated opinion and consideration for global issues.
Why is it important to have an Eco Council?
- To ensure our school is eco-friendly
- To prepare pupils to live with consideration for the environment
- To make sure each class has a platform to voice their opinions
- To discuss and raise issues related to the environment
- To make an impact
How do I become an Eco Councillor?
At the beginning of each year, pupils can put themselves forward to become an Eco Councillor by giving reasons why they consider themselves up to the challenge. Pupils in each class then vote to elect two Eco Councillors per class, who they feel will represent them and their views.
What happens in the meetings?
We begin each year by completing an environmental review to find out our schools successes and areas for improvement. Throughout the year each Eco Councillor meets with their class to discuss ideas about changes and improvements to the school. The issues are then raised in meetings and Eco Councillors discuss how to move forward with these ideas.
What are we doing at Cedarwood to help sustain our environment and promote Eco awareness?
- We compost all our food waste and use this in our school gardens
- We recycle packaging whenever possible
- We recycle all printer toner cartridges
- We have paper and cardboard recycling bins
The Big Battery Hunt
The school Eco Council have been learning all about recycling and have lots of great ideas about how we can recycle more as a school. One of the project we have been learning about is ‘The Big Battery Hunt!’ Did you know that over 600 million batteries are thrown away each year. This means that over 20,000 tonnes of batteries end up in landfill sites where they take hundreds of years to decompose. We think this is outrageous and want to do something to help.
We have signed up to take part in The Big Battery Hunt and we need your help. We are collecting used AA, AAA, C and D batteries to be recycled. Please have a look around your homes and any used batteries you have can be dropped off at the school office where we have a special battery collection bin. We are aiming to collect over 3000 batteries so everyone counts!
We hope you will support us in this important recycling challenge.
Thank you and happy hunting.
Little Free Library
The Eco Council are very excited to open their little free library! The little free library is available for all the school community to use and enjoy. It can be found through the double blue doors from the playground. These books are for anyone to borrow, share, return or keep. Please feel free to access the library before or after school with your child/ren or they can access it anytime during playtimes and lunchtimes.
If you have any books to donate for our little free library they will always be gratefully received by the office or Mrs Kirk in 1KS.
Thank you
Hedgehog House!
Our hedgehog home is carefully located in the peaceful environment of Jess' Garden. We take turns leaving food using our Hedgehog Feeding Rota.
Meeting with Rubbish Walks organiser, Jason Alexander, to discuss recycling, pollution and creating habitats!
Jason, from Rubbish Walks and Kesgrave Wombles, visited Cedarwood recently to meet our Eco-Council and talk about a number of issues close to their hearts. The team will be working with Jason on some social action projects within school and the wider community.

Planting Trees
Our fabulous Eco Councillors enjoyed working with the Grounds Team from Vertas who kindly donated a number of trees to plant in our school grounds. They worked hard to plant trees in our Forest School and our calm, sensory Garden. They are looking forward to planting bulbs and continuing to develop our outside space. Watch out for the signs of Spring!
A Message From Greta Thunberg
Click here to watch a message from Greta Thunberg about important environmental issues.